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From Our Trainers: Why You Can Ditch Your Routine on Vacation

3 Travel Tips From Our Trainers for a Wellness Enthusiast 

Even though your summer vacation season might be coming to a close, we know that travel is a year-round occasion. We asked our trainers how you can optimize your routine while you’re out of town, and collectively - they believe that your fitness routine shouldn’t be your main priority. 

And we agree. If you live in New York, you are used to structure and routine. It can be easy to try to implement that into your vacation, and try to fit in a scheduled workout while you’re away. We’re here to give you permission to use what is readily available, and go back to the basics.

Use Your Surroundings

Owner and Instructor of MADabolic Brooklyn Brian Rekuc encourages us to “Work with what you got! If a basic hotel gym is all you have, use the equipment with movements you are familiar with. Don’t try to incorporate something new just because it’s there. If there’s no gym, prioritize cardio.” 

In the same vein, exercise doesn’t have to be complicated in order to be effective. Marisa, owner of Studio Pilates Cobble Hill encourages walking versus taking a bus or a cab. “Not only are you moving your body, but you get a chance to explore what is around you.”

Rest = Wellness

We can’t consider ourselves true wellness enthusiasts if we don’t take the time to properly rest our bodies. If we don’t rest, we can’t truly integrate all of the hard work that we’ve done with our regular fitness routines at home. Brian agrees “Don’t stress too much about taking time off while traveling. If you’re not regularly implementing deload weeks into your training, using vacations is a great time to remove the training stimulus to let your body recover and come back more ready for the next cycle.”

Brian encourages vacation to be vacation. It’s okay if you don’t like to exercise when you’re away! In order to truly live well, we need to experience the joy of rest and relaxation. “If taking a week off is going to rejuvenate your mind and body to come back stronger once home, it’s a week well spent.”

Keep It Short & Simple

If you love to move your body and you know you need it to feel your best, don’t underestimate the power of a shorter workout. Your session doesn’t have to be a certain amount of time for it to ‘count’. Letting go of what constitutes as a ‘good’ workout can feel super empowering, and when you’re on vacation - it’s important to recognize that it’s okay to step out of your routine and simplify. 

Marisa explains how packing bands can be a quick and effective way to stay in your routine. “Bands are always an easy piece of equipment to bring with you. You can do a quick 10 min ab, arm + leg routine in your hotel with the resistance bands before venturing off for the day.” If you’re looking for an app to download before your trip with quick sessions to utlize Studio Pilates has different Pilates workouts for you that include mini power sequences you can do from anywhere. “In the studio, we also have some take-home stretch cards that clients can take with them on their holiday to continue to stretch their bodies after long days of exploring.” 

Overall, give yourself freedom while you’re away to decide what feels right for you and don’t stress to much about staying in routine. Let vacation be your place to truly rest and rejuvenate. Routine and wellness is personal, and being away can be a great time to explore what you value in your wellness routine. 

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